Lagu MTI

Anual Fund 2010

Each of us have ideas on how we would like our children to grow, learn, and to make improvements to our school. If we each work separately we can change little things here and there but if we work together on a common goal we can make BIG IMPROVEMENTS!
On Monday, 19 October we will start our Annual Fundraiser; this year titled "Working Toward Common Goals". It encourages us to work together to achieve our Expected School Wide Learning Results:

  • Passionate Learners
  • Transformed Thinkers
  • Effective Communicators
  • Faithful Stewards
  • Servant Leaders
  • Allah Seekers

This year's Annual Fund will help us achieve these goals. The projects include:

  • Library equipment, books, and renovation
  • Mini lab
  • Playground resurfacing
  • Athletic equipment
  • Internal Redio Al-Iman

I am asking that everyone give to realize these goals we have for our children and for our school.

Great School Improvements are
Just Around the Corner!

We are on our way to seeing wonderful changes to our school campus through this year's Annual Fund. Our goal is to raise RM 45,000 by early December.

As of Wednesday, 14 October, we have received gifts totaling RM 7,922.88! (RM 4,922.88 from MAQ – Malaysian Association of Qatar, and RM 3.000.00 from Hj Mohd Rehat bin Ahmad – Chief Operating Officer D’ harmoni) We will have to work together to reach our goal but we will do it! When we work together to meet our goals nothing can stand in our way. Watch the
thermometer go up on our progress.

MTI is asking each Muslim who want Allah dan Akhirat to give RM XXX+_ to improve the education for our children. You can give your gift by bringing in your cash or contacting the Finance Office. The sooner you give the faster we can turn the corner into some great improvements to our school.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Alhamdulillah,Aliman dengan ini melancarkan blog informasi untuk perjalanan pengutipan dana tahunan MTI,blog ini khusus diadakan untuk informasi Tabung Tahunan MTI bagi Tahun 2010.Dari masa ke semasa blog ini akan dikemaskini bagi pelawat-pelawat dan dermawan yang ingin menyumbang dana kepada pihak MTI.Melalui blog ini kami akan memberikan informasi yang mana duit yang telah diterima melalui sumbangan dermawan akan digunakan ke mana dan apa tujuan Tabung Tahunan 2010 ini diwujudkan.

Pihak Aliman mengharapkan dengan kewujudan blog ini akan lebih memudahkan perjalanan Tabung Tahunan 2010 yang dilancarkan.

Sekian dari

Tinta Aliman...

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